Friday, April 25, 2014

Goethe war gut, schlag nach bei Shakespeare

Today's DWZ newspaper article. Myriad kudos and this message:

Deine Veranstaltung gestern war richtig klasse. Mir hat es sehr gut gefallen und ich hätte gerne die Julia gespielt. Mir ist es wichtig Dir mitzuteilen, wie gut ich den Abend fand. Vielen Dank!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Hameln Weekend in June!

Found a blog about the Open Day and that weekend:

28 Engineer Regiment will disband on Saturday 14 June 2014.
To mark the occasion the Regiment will be holding a Hameln Farewell Weekend.
The main events list for the weekend is below:
Friday 13 June 2014
• Corps Band in the Burgergarten, Hameln town centre. This event will take place in the early evening and all are welcome to attend.
• Dinner Night for VIP Guests and ex-Commanding Officers in the Officers’ Mess, Gordon Barracks. This is an evening event for invited guests only.
• Dinner Night for ex-Regimental Sergeant Majors in the Warrant Officers and Sergeants’ Mess. This is an evening event for invited guests only.
Sat 14 June 2014
• Freedom of Hameln Parade in Hameln town centre. This event will take place mid-morning and all are welcome to attend.
• Disbandment Parade at Gordon Barracks. This event will take place late morning and is for invited guests only. Anyone interested in attending this event is kindly requested to contact the Regimental Sergeant Major (Warrant Officer Class 1 Pete Batley) via email using the following address:
• Hameln Open Day at Wouldham Camp, Hameln. This is an afternoon/evening event and all are welcome to attend.
More details of each event will be published closer to the time.
If anyone has any questions regarding the Hameln Farewell Weekend please contact the Adjutant (Captain Jay Waller) via email using the following address: